Storyboard pages 1-4 -Emily

Shared By: Emily
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  1. Reno Anastasio

    Very good perspective, detail and look on the house which immediately establishes the fairy-tale quality of the setting; immediately followed by a solid establishing of the two protagonists

  2. Olivia Roberts

    The characters and setting are established right away. The gestures of the characters are easy to read and understand what they want to do. Good job in keeping the characters more simplified to contrast more with the detailed background and nature creatures.

  3. Simone Olanski

    I really like the linework in the creature as it emerges from the trees. As awhile though I think it might benefit the overall pages if the lines were a bit cleaner, this can easily be remedied in the final drawings.

  4. Reno Anastasio

    The continuity is clear up to the end of page 1. On page 2, it is not clear who the third female is and why she offers to take the little girl on a walk through the mushroom forest; but I think this is only because the work is not finished. I like the clear shift in POV, when the third female appears, going from 3rd-person to the 1st-person of the little girl. (feedback provided by Reno Anastasio – Mon Mar 21 2022)

  5. Shannae

    There are many different facial expressions that capture the protagonist’s emotions and personality. I think the plot is easy to understand for the most part; however, specific panels, such as when the two protagonists run away together, might be unclear. I am unsure as to why they suddenly left so quickly. The comic has a good amount of scenery, detail and different angles. The anatomy is not quite perfect, but it is close! Their bodies could be a little bigger.

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