Kyle, Environmental practice sketch

Martin overlooking the forest he’s crossed since leaving his kingdom. I plan to have this same composition appear as a panel in my final work.
What I believe still needs work:
The castle in the distance. I want to make the area in the background appear lively. I feel the woods encompass the castle too much, making it feel like a single building rather than civilization. I’m also not satisfied with the forest itself.

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1 Comment

  1. Distance moves up the picture plane so perhaps your church needs to be higher with a winding route that ‘shows you the way’. Right now it just pops up from behind a bunch of lumpy shrubs/hills that are all the same size. You’ll need to push perspective. I realize this is a sketch but the closer trees need more detail. In fact, if he’s standing on a cliff(?) then tops of the tall trees could poke up to either side of his view just past the cliff face.
    Think foreground, middle ground, background separation. Your background is the part that is confusing at present. Take a look at some paintings by Pieter Bruegel. We’ll talk about the moon(?) in class.

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